
Everything About the Primary

Updated May 10, 2020. How to vote: If you are registered to vote, your ballot should arrive in the mail the second week of May. You then have the option of filling it in and […]



Democratic candidates for our new Congressional District (CD23) and Assembly Districts (AD47 and AD34) achieved greater than 70% of the vote at the CADEM Pre-Endorsement Conference today! Congratulations to Derek Marshall, Christy Holstege, and Dr […]


Rooftop Solar Recap

Our video is available on Youtube! https://youtu.be/hGKPuWxZ1M8 The actions RL recommended we take: 1. Call Gavin Newsom’s office at (916) 445-2841 and say something along these lines: I am against the proposed Solar Penalty Fee! […]


New Officers

Our new officers were elected on January 8, 2022. Please welcome our new Board! Committee slots are wide open (including many chair slots, which come with a seat on the Board), so please reach out […]


We need YOU!

Democrats! We have officer elections coming up in December. If you are interested in heading a committee or being an officer, your Club needs YOU! Nominations will be heard at our November meeting (Water Part […]