Democrats of the Morongo Basin and Democrats everywhere can use your help.

Support CADEM and San Bernardino County Democratic Party-endorsed candidates for Congress (Derek Marshall), State Senate (Lisa Middleton), Assembly (Christy Holstege in AD-47 and Ricardo Ortega in AD-34), and Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk (Dara Smith)! 

We are running a voter registration campaign at schools, businesses, the Farmer’s market and elsewhere. If you’d like to help make sure we take back the House of Representatives and add more Democrats to our local offices, please contact Jo Ann, or email us.

We also need volunteers to staff our table at the Joshua Tree Farmer’s Market, weekly on Saturday mornings (except General Meeting 2nd Saturdays). It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, share our information, and register voters, and you don’t have to make a big commitment—we’d be delighted to have you one weekend a month. Please email us!