Rooftop Solar Recap

Our video is available on Youtube!

RL Miller

The actions RL recommended we take:

1. Call Gavin Newsom’s office at (916) 445-2841 and say something along these lines: I am against the proposed Solar Penalty Fee! Nobody should pay a penalty for putting solar panels on their roof and California should be doing more, not less, to promote rooftop solar. Please show us you are serious about rate hikes, blackouts and air pollution. Say no to the utilities’ profit grab, and yes to helping millions of working and middle class people get solar. If you’ve called before, don’t be shy about calling again!

2. Write a letter to Gov. Newsom’s Energy and Climate Advisor, Lauren Sanchez, using the template here: (RL noted that yes, this will get you on her Climate Hawks Vote group mailing list, but you should feel free to unsubscribe if your inbox is already groaning). You can personalize the letter.

I forgot to include in our email, but Club member Laraine Turk shared a report from UC Riverside researchers, Ryan Drover and Chris Rudnicki of UCR’s Science to Policy Initiative, An Analysis of California’s Net Energy Metering Policy Proposals and Impacts, which you may find informative.

RL also gave us another reason to look forward to meeting in person again, offering to come speak to the Club. Thanks, RL!