drawing of the White House with a splash of blood over it, with heavy black text reading PROJECT 2025 on a medium blue background

Project 2025

July 20, 2024 Deborah Dunaway 0

Most likely, you have heard of Project 2025 in your email inbox, on MSNBC, on Daily KOS, or elsewhere online. Project 2025 is the Heritage […]


May 30, 2024 Deborah Dunaway 0

It feels important, in the midst of all of this—and regardless of what comes next—to note that yes, the former President of the United States, […]

Quid Pro Quo

May 13, 2024 Deborah Dunaway 0

That’s Latin for “bribe.” According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump offered Big Oil executives massive tax cuts worth at least a trillion dollars, plus […]

That Dog.

May 3, 2024 Deborah Dunaway 0

It’s pretty hard to imagine the kind of person who 1) goes into a fit of rage that Cricket, their 14-month-old puppy, is not yet […]