Make phone calls so 1.4 million Floridians can vote!

August 6 marks the 53rd anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, arguably one of the most important civil rights laws our country has ever passed. On August 6, we’re urging our community to take action to improve access to the ballot for millions.

Florida is a stronghold in denying the eligibility to vote, so a win there sets the stage for civil rights wins in states across the country.

In Florida, if you are convicted of a felony, you are BARRED FOR LIFE from voting. This currently excludes 1.4 million Floridians from participating in democracy. That can all change in 2018 with the Voting Restoration Amendment (Amendment 4) — a Florida ballot initiative that returns the eligibility to vote to community members who have fully completed their sentences.

Join us on August 6 for a national day of action to engage, 1 on 1, with Florida voters to raise awareness of the issue and how voting YES on Amendment 4 is a vote for Second Chances.

Click here to sign up for a Second Chances phone banking shift on August 6!