Protect Joshua Tree National Park from Eagle Crest Pumped Storage and HR 5817


Congressman Cook has introduced legislation to extend the construction period for the harmful Eagle Crest Pumped Storage project. This would harm Joshua Tree National Park and is in direct opposition to the plan to expand the park by 20,000 acres.

Eagle Crest has had decades to try to make the business case for their project and is still without a power purchase agreement. Significant conflict exists related to this project, from local communities and from environmental groups due to the impact the project would have on Joshua Tree National Park and its water resources, wildlife, and cultural history including prehistoric sites.

Eagle Crest’s permit to begin construction expires on June 19, 2018. Despite having years to get their project off the ground, the termination of this permit would not foreclose Eagle Crest’s opportunities. It would however, provide a new opportunity for review that would include updated hydrology and market analysis about the need for the project. This information is critical to allowing the public and agencies to understand whether the project is needed, and what its full impacts would be.

Congressman Cook is moving the goalposts on this project since the company hasn’t been able to meet their deadlines. He has introduced legislation to extend the project timeline, an advantage for one corporation.

We need our representatives to be aware of the strong opposition to this project. Please stand up for Joshua Tree National Park by contacting the following offices to express your opposition to HR 5817. Calls are best, but emails are also helpful. For organizations or businesses that want to sign on to a letter, Chris Clarke ( will be organizing that immediately, please let either of us know!

Senator Feinstein: (202) 224-3841

Senator Harris: (202) 224-3553

Congressman Cook: (202) 225-5861

Congressman Ruiz: (202) 225-5330